Age groups:
- 35-39 years
- 40-44
- 45-49
- 50-54
- 55-59
- 60+
Please note! We have updated our age policy! You will participate in the age group whose minimum age limit you reach during 2023.
We do not publish the number of finalists per age group beforehand, because the number of athletes per age group in the qualifier affects it every year. However, you can see examples of how they have been in previous years from our previous competitions (
Welcome to fight for a spot in the Linna Masters 2023 Finals!
Lower level KUNTO group competition was held first time in 2020 as an online competition. We will arrange the competition again as an individual online competition as most of you wished it to be. Based on the feedback we now for the first time two different levels in Kuntosarja; Kevyt and Raskas!
The choice which fits also for the beginner! In this group, you´ll only face easier level movements; i.e. the challenges of the skill movements (including kipping pull ups, t2b), as well as heavy loads are not included in the competition of the Kevyt category. A great step from training to challenging yourself in the form of online competition!
Built between the Kilpa and Kevyt groups, the new and desired Raskas group is the choice of a more experienced athlete. For you, for whom the weights of the Kilpasarja and the most demanding skill movements still needs training, but you have mastered the basic movements of the sport, including gymnastic movements (e.g. kipping pull ups, t2b). You won’t face e.g. elite level loads, muscle ups or handstand walking in this group.
Depending on the age group there will be variations for weights and movements.
Registration to Online competition: From Friday 8.9. until the end of the competition.
Competition info, including all the events will be published at the same time when the competition starts.
Online Competition: Monday 2.10. 12:00 – Sunday 8.10. 22:00
Your registration in the Kuntosarja online competition entitles you to a discount ticket to the Linna Masters 2023 Finals, we will contact those who have registered by email regarding the utilization of the discount no later than after the end of the competition.
Age groups:
- 35-39 years
- 40-44
- 45-49
- 50-54
- 55-59
- 60+
Please note! We have updated our age policy! You will participate in the age group whose minimum age limit you reach during 2023.
Welcome to test your own fitness and challenge yourself against others from your home gym!